Аудирование по русскому языку 2 класс

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Itʼs also possible that your computer has been infected with a Spambot virus thatʼs using your computer to gather information. Напротив церкви, через дорогу, двухэтажное здание. Но неожиданно наступает тишина. » а и носок, гляжу, исчез; б а вот и вторая галоша; в и носок, гляжу, здесь. Капитан скомандовал постепенно опускать якорную цепь, погружая бомбу в воду. Where was the sparrow in winter? Уходят фронтовики, но память о них хранят их дети, внуки. Пушкин умер на руках у Даля. Моряки, не отрывая глаз, следили за ползущей вверх якорной цепью.

I washed my face and hands and dressed quickly. I had a light meal and gave my son some money for his school lunch. I was five minutes late to work and met my chief at the door. When I got home I spoke angrily to my wife and son. I had supper, watched a football match on the telly and went to bed. Choose the correct title for the text. Put the sentences into the correct order. Choose the correct variant to complete the sentences. Write short answers to the questions. What did the man do in the morning? Who met the man at the door of the office? Why did he speak angrily to his wife and son? Was it a good or a bad day for the author? How a Sparrow Set Off for Warm Lands Once a sparrow decided to see warm lands. Perhaps, I too will go and see what they look like. He flew till dusk. And then he thought, The next day the same thing took place. On the third day the sparrow again flew till dusk. He never reached those warn lands. Winter came, he felt the cold, yet there he was at home. Choose the correct answer to the questions. T F 1 The sparrow went back home because he was tired. Match the words with their descriptions. Write short answers to the questions. Who decided to see warm lands? What did the sparrow leave? He never reached those warn lands, did he? Where was the sparrow in winter? The King and the Painter Once there was a king, who liked to paint pictures, but his pictures were bad and nobody liked them. The people to whom the king showed his pictures were afraid of him and they said that the pictures were good. Am I a good painter or not? After two years the king wanted to see the painter again. Choose the correct answer to the questions. T F 1 Once there was a king, who was a great painter. Match the words with their descriptions. Write short answers to the questions. A poor young artist was asked to paint the portrait of a rich lady and he did his best to make a good picture. Some of them thought it was too realistic. They were afraid the lady would not like the picture. But the painter felt that he had been successful. The friends gathered to see the result of the test. As soon as the dog was brought before the portrait it began to lick it all over. Everybody congratulated the painter. Nobody knew that the painter had spread some bacon all over the picture! Choose the correct answer to the questions. T F 1 When the portrait was finished it was shown to the lady. Match the words with their descriptions. Write short answers to the questions. The Cunning of an Astrologer An astrologer once foretold something unpleasant to the King. The next day the King sent for the astrologer. He came to the palace. The King turned to his servants and ordered them to throw the astrologer out of the window at his signal. What will your own fate be? How long will you live? I will die three days before your Majesty! He took good care for him. Choose the correct answer to the questions. And he ordered to throw the astrologer out of the window. He took good care of the astrologer. He gave the astrologer much money. He sent astrologer to prison. Match the words with their descriptions. Write short answers to the questions. Whoforetold something unpleasant to the King? What did the king order his servants to do? Was the astrologer afraid of the King? Who did the King take good care for? A Real Mother Once upon a time there lived two sisters. The elder sister had a son. The boy was one year old. The two women loved the baby dearly. One day the sisters quarrelled and at night the younger sister tried to leave house with the boy. The elder sister saw it and stopped her. He is my son! I love the baby so much that the judge will believe me. In the morning they were before the judge. Each woman told him that the baby was hers. The judge thought a little and then called his servants. Give him to my sister and let him live. She is a real mother. Choose the correct answer to the questions. T F 1 The two women hated the baby. Match the words with their descriptions. Complete the sentences with the information from the text. The Donkey and his Tricks One day a farmer and his donkey went to town. The donkey carried two bags of salt. Soon they came to a small river. There was a bridge across the river. The donkey stepped on the bridge but stumbled and fell into the river. He came out very happy: there was no salt in his bags. The farmer loaded the donkey with two bags of salt and they again went to town. When the donkey was in the middle of the bridge he did not stumble but jumped into the river. He was very happy again: there was no salt in his bags. Next day the farmer loaded the donkey with sponges. He wanted to see Mr. They went to town again. When they were in the middle of the bridge the donkey jumped into the water. But this time he was not happy. The bags were very heavy! Choose the correct answer to the question. T F 1 One day a farmer and his monkey went to town. Match the words with their descriptions. Complete the sentences with the information from the text. Brown was a very rich and mean man. When he died he had 10 million pounds in the bank. He had only two relatives, his sons Joseph and Oliver who pretended to get this money. They were so alike that nobody could tell who was who. Joseph and Oliver left home when they were 20 years old. Your father made a very short will. It is in three parts. Part one says: I leave all my money to my son Oliver. Then she began reading the second part of the will. The lawyer was very angry. The clever will had shown that both of them were liars. But it was Miss Smith, who tricked them, because Mr. Brown had never made a will! Choose the correct answer to the question. T F 1 Many people pretended to get Mr. Match the words with their descriptions. Complete the sentences with the information from the text. Whose dog was it? A lady who was driving through the country in a car saw an old man followed by an old dog. As the car approached near the dog suddenly crossed the road. He was hit by the car and killed. The lady stopped the car at once and came to the man. Pocketing the money as the car disappeared in the distance he looked down at the dead animal. Choose the correct answer to the question. T F 1 The old man was killed. Match the words with their descriptions. Complete the sentences with the information from the text. Once an Englishman went to Paris and stopped at a hotel. First of all he sent a telegram to his wife and told her the address of the hotel. Then he decided to see the city. He left the hotel and walked along the street. He passed several blocks then turned to the right and walked along another street. At the corner he crossed the street and turned to the left. He liked Paris very much. In every street there was something interesting. He saw a lot of ancient buildings, cathedrals, monuments. He walked a long way, crossed many streets and turned many corners. When it was evening he decided to go back and only now he realized that he lost his way. He tried to remember the way back but could not. It was already late and he was very tired. The Englishman went into the first hotel he saw and took a room there. Before going to bed he sent another telegram to his wife. Choose the correct title for the text. Make the following sentences true to the text. Choose the correct answer to the questions: 1 Where did an Englishman stop? Give short answers to the following questions. Your guide in English. Сборник текстов для учеников. Your guide in English. Сборник текстов для учеников. Английский язык 7 класс, Итоговые контрольные работы, издательство «Ранок» 2011. Английский язык 6 класс, Итоговые контрольные работы, издательство «Ранок» 2011. Английский язик 8 класс, Итоговые контрольные работы, издательство «Ранок» 2011. Your Guide in English. Сборник текстов для учащихся 5-6 классов, Киев, Шлях, 2003.

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